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Suggested TEDtalks on the subject of Patience

Why patience is a superpower | Oliver Burkeman | TEDxManchester

To say we live in an era marked by distraction and impatience is a laughable understatement. Oliver Burkeman makes the case for doing one thing at a time, and letting things take the time they take – and explains why this is a recipe not just for a more peaceful life, but a more meaningful and accomplished one too

Patience - Who has time for that? | Qaas Shoukat | TEDxNSU

In the fast-paced, technology-saturated world we live in today, many resources and services are readily available through the internet. What may have taken a long time in the past is now achieved in mere moments. We have grown accustomed to getting what we want, when we want it. Yet, technology has not been able to speed up everything. It is within this gap that we are living—in a state of increasing impatience—as we seek instant gratification in every facet of life, yet are forced to wait for those beyond our control. Qaas Shoukat is an NSU freshman who was born and raised in Pakistan before moving to Florida in 2010. Shoukat’s experience of living in two different cultures has given him a unique perspective on life and, he believes, has helped shape his personality. While the differences between his homeland and his new home took time to adjust to, Shoukat has found ways to appreciate and adopt the American way of life while holding on to his cultural roots

The Importance of Patience | Albert Keys | TEDxMissouriS&T

Albert Keys recounts his personal story as an example of what patience can achieve in even the most dire situations. Albert was on his way to get his grandmother a hamburger when he suffered a severe spinal cord injury in a car accident. He was not expected to move or even breathe on his own again. When others gave up on Albert, people at Ranken Jordan--A Paediatric Specialty Hospital, searched for and found reasons for hope. Albert, now a young man, is dedicating his life to helping others.

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