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Guinness World Records book

The Guinness Book of Records now known as the Guinness World Records is now the ultimate authority on record-breaking achievements. It started out as an idea for a book of facts to solve arguments in pubs in the early 1950’s when Sir Hugh Beaver (1890—1967), Managing Director of the Guinness Brewery, attended a shooting party in County Wexford. There, he and his hosts argued about the fastest game bird in Europe and failed to find an answer in any reference book.

“In 1954, recalling his shooting party argument, Sir Hugh had the idea for a Guinness promotion based on the idea of settling pub arguments and invited the twins Norris (1925—2004) and Ross McWhirter (1925—75) who were fact-finding researchers from Fleet Street to compile a book of facts and figures.”

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There are many prolific record holders in the Guinness World Records (GWR) archives but none of their achievements quite match those of title holder Ashrita Furman, from Brooklyn, New York, who has become famous as the man with the most Guinness World Records titles.

Over the past three decades, Ashrita has made it his life’s mission to break as many records as he can, eager to prove that anyone with a heartfelt dream and a determined mindset can be recognised by a world-renowned authority.

Ashrita has set more than 600 records and currently holds over 200.

In 2021, David Rush of Boise, Idaho , who has made a career out of record breaking, set out to break one record title a week. Although the attempt was no small feat, it isn’t out of the ordinary for David, who already held over 180 record titles before this astonishing accomplishment. 

"One of the most important things you need to understand is that when you fail when you first try it, that is not a judgement on you or your ability or your natural talent, or your ability to succeed in the future."  David Rush

China holds 10 world records:

To look at some of the latest records use this link:

or follow Guinness World Records on YouTube:

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