P is for Pura Vida
I have recently returned from my first ever long haul flight visiting Costa Rica. Before I left I had no real idea of its location or...
P is for Pura Vida
A is for Attitude
Themed music - Gratitude
Intentional Enthusiasm: How to accelerate personal greatness A suggested TED talk by Sonny Melendrez
How gratitude rewires your brain Podcast by Christina Costa
Optimistic impulses
X is for Xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ
True and stable happiness
Stand in awe of what happens in your life
Focus on gratitude
L is for laughter
The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor
You find happiness in liking what you
Michael Meade
7 Things You Can Control That Will Make A Huge Difference In Your Life (Fearless Soul)
S is for strengths (our internal gifts)
Your future self
Here, there and everywhere
H is for hope
O is for Opportunities