Themed music - Integrity
“Even when you lose everything, you always have your integrity. Only you can take that away from yourself” (RR)...
Themed music - Integrity
Y is for Yourself
O is for Openness
Insight by Tasha Eurich (How to succeed by seeing yourself clearly) Book Suggestion
True friendships
True empathy
Be true to yourself
Once we believe in ourselves
We are constantly invited
A is for Authenticity
Being true to you
T is for Trust
Think then act
R is for Responsibility
Do what is right at all times
We are only just beginning to understand the power of love
‘If you are in the jar you can't read the label’ (J is for Jar)
H is for habits
Stop trying so hard. Achieve more by doing less. | Bethany Butzer | TEDxUNYP
Radical Honesty - Brad Blanton